Envision Apps has made this privacy policy to let you know how your information is protected, collected and used. We are aware of the legal implications of leaking personal details for public consumption and thus taken major steps to protect your privacy. We will keep you updated on changes in this regard.

Protecting Your Privacy

All the account information is password protected. So, keep your password safe. Envision Apps may give connects to external links, which may have diverse security practices. And we won’t be held accountable for breaches in external sites.

Data we collect

We collect your email for different purposes which include but not limited to confirmation emails, authenticating user accounts, providing subscription email services, etc.

Envision Apps does not store credit card information. Credit card exchanges are transmitted to a monetary gateway, and we attempt to ensure the security of your payment information during transmission by utilizing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology.

Our weblogs gather standard web log passages for each page served, including your IP address, page URL, and timestamp.

All postings are put away in our database, even after “cancellation,” and might be filed somewhere else.

In spite of the fact that we endeavor great confidence endeavors to store the data in a safe working condition that is not accessible to general society

Conditions in Which Envision Apps May Release Data

Envision Apps may uncover data about its clients if required to do as such by law or in the great confidence conviction that such revelation is sensibly important to react to subpoenas, court orders, or another lawful process.

 Envision Apps may disclose data about its clients to law implementation officers or others, in the great confidence conviction that such disclosure is sensibly important to uphold our Terms of Use; response to claim that any posting or other content violates the rights of the third parties; or ensure the rights, property, or individual security of Envision Apps its clients or the overall population.

International Users

By using our Apps and giving us information, you recognize and agree due to the international dimension of Envision Apps. We utilize information throughout our relationship for the purposes identified in this policy or our other communication with you including your outside resident jurisdiction. 

Links to external links

Our Apps may have links to the different destinations of interest. Moreover, once you have used these links to leave our site, you must note that we don’t have control over other sites.  You ought to exercise at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.